Friday, January 13, 2012

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Two photographs, taken seconds apart, reveal birds in flight and birds still thinking about getting airborne. Whenever I marvel at a flock of Canada geese, I ponder how their decisions get made. Living side by side with them for most of my life, I can attest to the fact that there often seems to be some dispute. Yet, they seem to gain some understanding of their place in the grand scheme of things; they know the collective benefits of flying together.

Years ago, when trying to convince friends to read my manuscript and give me direction, a dear friend advised that I look outside my existing circle and get a group of fellow writers to weigh in. She pointed out that leaving this up to friends was both unwise and unfair. Being that I was new to the area at the time, and short on both friends and colleagues, her words represented a challenge, but nevertheless, I took the well meaning sentiment very much to heart. As it is extremely difficult for me to ask for help, from friend and foe alike, I wondered what resources I had available to me.

Happily, my search for birds of a feather yielded great results. Life long friendships ensued, blurring the line again, but such is life. Encountering writers at various stages of the journey, has been incredibly rewarding. I have had to at times, wonder about my great, good fortune.

This will explain why I love Twitter, the Idaho Writer's League and the six pack blogette group known as Writing North Idaho. The life of a scribe is quite solitary by nature and can often be a lonely profession, and for many of us, very comfortably so. Therefore, getting out from time to time, is paramount. At every stage of the journey, we must find the courage to tell people what we do. Questions related to achievement invariably follow, and clumsy answers ensue, making us feel awkward, but when we find that common ground, it can be downright exhilarating.

"When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world. "

John Muir.


kario said...

That's great that you've found other writers to connect to. I have tried several times in my area, but as it is a large city (Seattle), everyone seems to already be in writing groups that won't accept any more members. I have a few friends who are more distant that I've met and connected with at writer's conferences and workshops and I hold their affections dear to my heart and call on them from time to time for critiques. Otherwise, the web is the most fertile ground for me to find other writers.

Jennifer Rova said...

Beautifully written as usual with lovely pictures. It is so true...your "normal" friends would be biased and not educated to applaud the good parts and help you fix the bad parts. Writing friends (who really are "normal" also) come with helpful baggage and are willing to help you improve what you love to do.

Elizabeth Smythe Brinton said...

Kario and Jennifer, thank you. I hope we always remain close. Please visit us often, Kario.

Elizabeth Smythe Brinton said...

The photographs were taken by Chris Lighty.

Rubina said...

nice post! please visit & join my blog.